


Collection Items

Guide to the Sun
This book is an asset which once read will serve you as a reference and long time companion.

Discovering the Secrets of the Sun
Translated from Der Stern von dem Wir Leben, this title is a survey of the current knowledge about the sun. It explains how the sun is investigated, the key people and instruments involved with these discoveries, the results so far and what we…

Astrophysics of the Sun
This is an entirely new edition of Harold Zirin's classic text on the solar atmosphere. Combining an introductory course in astrophysics with a comprehensive treatment of the theoretical and observational aspects of our present knowledge of the sun,…

Exploring the Sun: Solar Science since Galileo (New Series in NASA History)
"This is a book written from the point of view of a historian interested not only in science itself, but also in the factors affecting the development of the subject; the individual personalities of the scientists, the political and social influences…
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