


Collection Items

Binoculars and All Purpose Telescopes
Describes the structure and special features of a variety of binoculars and telescopes and discusses the use of these instruments for studying birds, stars, architecture and in other activities.

High Speed Astronomical Photometry (Cambridge Astrophysics)
The author has pioneered the measurement of brightness variations in stars over very short time scales and in this book he discusses the applications of astronomical photometry with time resolutions of between 10 microseconds and 10 minutes to a…

Bouw je eigen sterrekijker
In dit boek dat op vele vragen antwoord geeft, vindt men de constructie van de refractor en de spiegeltelescoop en het slijpen van de spiegels, alles binnen het kunnen van de amateur.

Bouw je eigen sterrekijker
In dit boek dat op vele vragen antwoord geeft, vindt men de constructie van de refractor en de spiegeltelescoop en het slijpen van de spiegels, alles binnen het kunnen van de amateur.

The Amateur Astronomer and his Telescope
Cet Exellent petit ouvrage, traduit de l'allemand, est un guide pour l'amateur, surtout le débutant, qui désire se procurer une lunette ou un télescopeet commencer des observations. L'auteur commende par donner des consiels précieux pour le choix…

Telescope Optics : Complete Manual for Amateur Astronomers
Into this breach step Rutten and van Venrooij, two Dutch astronomers who wanted to know more about optics but found that resources were generally unavailable to amateurs. So, they wrote their own. Telescope Optics is a compendium of optical…
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