Blader door items (48 in totaal)

  • Collectie: Zon
Voor wie geïnteresseerd is in het maken van zonnefoto's verschaft deze bundel de nodige informatie over de zon: - De zon aan de Hemel; - Bouw van de Zon; - Verschijnselen op de Zon; - Radio- en deeltjesstraling van de Zon; - Zonnewaarnemingen (&…
The RGO Guide to the 1999 Total Eclipse of the Sun is a thorough and relatively technical sourcebook for all the information that readers of this Journal might require, and should be on every BAA member's bookshelf. Tables of the local…
Everybody is interested in eclipses - particularly eclipses of the Sun. Ever since ancient times they have aroused excitement and, in previous years, alarm!  This book by Sheridan Williams is most timely. So far as I know there is nothing else like…
  Eclips! biedt volledige informatie over de totale zonsverduistering  van 11 augustus 1999, maar gaat ook in op andere bijzondere hemelverschijnselen, zoals meteorenregens en planeetsamenstanden.
Translated from Der Stern von dem Wir Leben, this title is a survey of the current knowledge about the sun. It explains how the sun is investigated, the key people and instruments involved with these discoveries, the results so far and what we…
"Amongst all the wonders of all the wonderful sciences there is no science which deals with such a gorgeous spectacle as is exhibited by the queen of sciences, astronomy, at the moment when the earth is gradually shrouded in darkness and when…

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