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  • Collectie: Natuurkunde
In vijftig compacte essays worden de cruciale fysische begrippen, ontdekkingen en principes op een toegankelijke wijze uitgelegd. 50 inzichten natuurkunde is de perfecte introductie tot de moderne fysica. Naast de natuurwetten behandelt het boek de…
De quantumfysica is intrigerend vanwege de vreemde fenomenen die deze nieuwe natuurkunde naar voren bracht. In dit boek weet Joanne Baker die zaken te verhelderen. 50 compacte teksten beslaan alle complexe quantumtheorie?n en hun geavanceerde…
Suitable for a one-semester course in general relativity for senior undergraduate or beginning graduate students, this text clarifies the mathematical aspects of Einstein's general theory of relativity without sacrificing physical understanding. The…
Gauss's law for electric fields, Gauss's law for magnetic fields, Faraday's law, and the Ampere-Maxwell law are four of the most influential equations in science. In this guide for students, each equation is the subject of an entire chapter, with…
This compact guide presents the key features of general relativity, to support and supplement the presentation in mainstream, more comprehensive undergraduate textbooks, or as a re-cap of essentials for graduate students pursuing more advanced…
In this cleverly conceived book, physicist Robert Gilmore makes accessible some complex concepts in quantum mechanics by sending Alice to Quantumland - a whole new Wonderland, smaller than an atom, where each attraction demonstrates a different…
Aimed at both physics students and non-science majors, this unique book explains Einstein's special theory of relativity pictorially, using diagrams rather than equations. The diagrams guide the reader, step-by-step, from the basics of relativity…
Thoroughly revised for its second edition, this advanced textbook provides an introduction to the basic methods of computational physics, and an overview of progress in several areas of scientific computing by relying on free software available from…

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