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  • Collectie: Natuurkunde
2005 has been designated "World Year of Physics" to celebrate the publication of Einstein's Theory of Relativity one hundred years ago. In commemoration of this landmark anniversary, Oxford University Press brings Abraham Pais' major work on…
Waarom zitten er 365 dagen in een jaar? Of 60 minuten in een uur? Is het mogelijk om in de tijd te reizen? Waarom wil iemand een triljoenste van een seconde kunnen meten? En hoe zijn ruimte en tijd met elkaar verbonden? Je kunt het niet zien, voelen…
Quantum physics is believed to be the fundamental theory underlying our understanding of the physical universe. However, it is based on concepts and principles that have always been difficult to understand and controversial in their interpretation.…
In 1905, a German technical journal, Annalen der Physik, published a remarkable paper by a young clerk in the patent office at Berne, Switzerland. The clerk was Albert Einstein. The paper outlined his Special Theory of Relativity, a revolutionary…
Sinds 1916, toen dit werk in het Duits verscheen, is het ontelbare malen vertaald en herdrukt. En ondanks het feit dat Einstein in 1955 is overleden en natuurkunde sindsdien een stormachtige ontwikkeling heeft doorgemaakt, is dit boek ook nu nog een…
From the age of Galileo until the early years of the 20th century, scientists grappled with seemingly insurmountable paradoxes inherent in the theories of classical physics. With the publication of Albert Einstein's "special" and "general" theories…
Here are the 11 papers that forged the general and special theories of relativity: seven papers by Einstein, plus two papers by Lorentz and one each by Minkowski and Weyl. "A thrill to read again the original papers by these giants
The book has three parts: classical physics, relativity, and quantum physics (there wasn't much particle physics or cosmology in 1938, after all). The classical treatment is an extended examination of Galilean invariance, and is both brilliant and…
This collection of original papers on the special and general theories of relativity is an unabridged translation of the 4th edition of Das Relativitatsprinzip, together with a revised edition of an additional paper by H. A. Lorentz. CONTENTS: I.…

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