Is er ergens anders in het heelal leven?
Hoe ziet dat er uit?
Lijkt het op levensvormen die wij op aarde kennen of zou het totaal anders zijn?
Hoe zouden we reageren als er morgen (intelligent) leven wordt ontdekt?
Several major breakthroughs have helped contribute to the emerging field of astrobiology. Focusing on these developments, this fascinating book explores some of the most important problems in this field. It examines how planetary systems formed, and…
This concise and beautifully illustrated book traces the evolution of the Cosmos from the Big Bang to the development of intelligent life on Earth, conveying clear science in an engaging narrative. By mapping the history of the Universe for…
This compilation of a special issue of Scientific American magazine brings together some of the top names in science, who explore the major theories and issues surrounding astronomy and the development of life in the universe. From speculations on…
From Publishers Weekly
Shostak is the Public Programs Scientist for the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute. In this fascinating speculative book, he builds a careful case for the importance of the institute's work,…
In response to Enrico Fermi's famous 1950 question concerning the existence of advanced civilizations elsewhere, physicist Webb critically examines 50 resolutions to explain the total absence of empirical evidence for probes, starships, and…
Throughout the twentieth century, from the furor over Percival Lowell's claim of canals on Mars to the sophisticated Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence, otherworldly life has often intrigued and occasionally consumed science and the public.…
SETI -- the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence -- is undergoing something of a renaissance, and alongside the work of the scientists almost a million PC users round the world are participating in the SERENDIP IV project through the "SETI at…