De auteur, Engels sterrenkundige, is medeoprichter van de Spaceguard Foundation die het risico dat de aarde getroffen wordt door een buitenaards hemellichaam, analyseert en nagaat hoe dat gevaar eventueel kan worden afgewenteld. Duizenden planetoiden…
Comet begins with a breathtaking journey through space astride a comet. Pulitzer Prize-winning astronomer Carl Sagan, author of Cosmos and Contact, and writer Ann Druyan explore the origin, nature, and future of comets, and the exotic myths and…
This work is about meteorites and those who search for them. Seeking an explanation of the role micrometeorites have played in the origin and evolution of life on earth, readers follow astronomers across the globe to hunt for these mysterious black…
In dit rijk geïllustreerde boekje gaat wetenschapsjournalist Govert Schilling in op zaken als:
Wat is een komeet?
Hale-Bopp in aantocht
Waar is Hale-Bopp te vinden?
Toekomstig kometenonderzoek
We investigated whether SL9's fragmented nuclei continued to supply dust particles to their comae after the fragmentation, in early July 1992. To solve the problem, we make a “burst model coma” which is not supplied with dust particles from the…
Yeomans provides a history of cometary thought—both scientific and superstitious—from the ancient Greeks and Chinese right up to the present. In his last three chapters he discards this straightforward chronological organization for a thematic one,…
In this book, one of the world's foremost authorities on comets takes us on a voyage of discovery from the earliest speculations on the meaning of comets to his own pioneering research into both the nature of comets and the mysteries of our solar…
Levy is a young astronomer's Michael Jordan: he discovers comets where professional astronomers have looked before and found nothing. His 20-odd discoveries are sufficient authority to support this general survey of current theory and comet history.…
Tussen december 1985 en april 1986 komt de komeet van Halley bij ons langs. Hoewel in feite niet veel meer dan een vervuilde sneeuwbal van enkele kilometer groot, is Halley één van de beroemdste voorwerpen uit ons zonnestelsel. Dat hij maar eens in…