A concise but thorough introduction to the observational data and theoretical concepts underlying modern astronomy, Astrophysics in a Nutshell is designed for advanced undergraduate science majors taking a one-semester course. This well-balanced and…
Variable stars are those that change brightness. They come in many varieties, but each one provides important information about the star: its properties, its internal structure, and its evolution. This book provides a concise overview of variable…
Compiled by a team of experts, this textbook has been designed for elementary university courses in astronomy and astrophysics. Beginning with a discussion of our nearest star, the Sun, the volume then considers how astronomers study the basic…
Stellar evolution - the birth, development and death of stars - is central to our current understanding of astronomy. This area of astrophysics is often portrayed as being difficult and mathematical, but Mike Inglis brings it to life in a unique way,…
De mens is een kind van de kosmos. Letterlijk: de atomen in ons lichaam zijn afkomstig uit het inwendige van andere sterren. Wij kunnen ons bestaan niet los zien van de evolutie van het heelal. Zonder de oerknal en zonder de vorming van…
The story of the exploration of deep space that has largely taken place in the final decades of the 20th century. Space probes have now visited all of the major planets of our Solar System. However, beyond the Solar System, across the final frontier…