Written by a dedicated selenophile (a person who loves the Moon), this guide to Earth's celestial companion is a non-technical narrative that quickly elevates the lunar novice to lunar authority.
Photographic Atlas of the Moon explains how the Earth…
De vermaarde natuurkundige Carlo Rovelli vertelt het spannende verhaal van een relatief onbekende Griekse filosoof die ruim tweeënhalfduizend jaar geleden de basis legde voor onze wetenschappelijke manier van denken.Anaximander van Milete wordt…
‘De laatste jaren heb ik mijn onderzoek gewijd aan het idee dat zwarte gaten hun lange leven eindigen door in witte gaten te veranderen. Of dat idee juist is weet ik niet. Bij dat onderzoek komen onder meer kwantumeigenschappen van tijd en ruimte aan…
Fractals for the Classroom breaks new ground as it brings an exciting branch of mathematics into the classroom. The book is a collection of independent chapters on the major concepts related to the science and mathematics of fractals. Written at the…
Fractals for the Classroom breaks new ground as it brings an exciting branch of mathematics into the classroom. The book is a collection of independent chapters on the major concepts related to the science and mathematics of fractals. Written at the…
Dit boek geeft in kort bestek een overzicht van het artistieke en meetkundige aspect van fractals, in het bijzonder het principe van de zelfgelijkvormigheid. Hier en daar wordt ook op de wiskundige achtergrond ingegaan. Met behulp daarvan is men in…
A hands-on guide to fractal programming exploring the latest techniques in fractal modeling applied to real-life situations such as flight simulation, physical modeling, and computer visualization. Tools and sample programs provided on the…
This book attempts to understand processes in motion such as the movement of stars, the ups and downs of the stock market, the changes in weather, the changes chemicals undergo, and the motion of a pendulum. Students are introduced to chaos, fractals…
This guide is designed to make fractals easy for computer enthusiasts to understand and enjoy, while giving them the practical know-how to create fractal images on their PCs. While Laplante uses simple formulas to demonstrate fractal theory, he aims…
Second editionIntroduces fractal geometry, and covers transformations on metric spaces, dynamics on fractals, the fractal dimension, fractal interpolation, Julia sets, parameter spaces, and measures on fractals