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Satellietbeelden geven de mens een totaal nieuwe kijk op onze steeds veranderende planeet. Met behulp van computers probeert de wetenschap de ingewikkelde wisselwerking tussen leven, lucht, water, gesteenten, enz. die onze planeet - ons Ruimteschip…
De blauwe planeet. Dienst Pers en Publikaties van de BRT. 320 p. Met medewerking van Lena De Rache / Bob De Richter. Rijk geillustreerd met kleuren-en z/w foto's
In this lively and accessible book an internationally known scientist proposes a scenario that explains why, in the great extinction 65 million years ago, certain groups of animals such as the dinosaurs were extinguished while others…
Building on the tremendous reception to its parent volume, Earth 8th edition, the same groundbreaking media package is now integrated into the brief version of the best-selling introductory physical geology volume. This eighth edition of Essentials…
This illustrated volume reviews the wealth of information that has been generated by satellite and ground-based observations of the aurora. Opening with a broad overview of why we should continue to be interested by a phenomenon which occurs in the…
We live in a world of optical marvels - from the commonplace, but beautiful rainbow, to the rare and eerie superior mirage. Have you ever asked yourself how a rainbow is formed, why the setting sun is red and flattened, or even why the sky at night…

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